In a typical Reiki session, the client is fully clothed and is seated in a chair or reclined on a treatment table.  A Reiki practitioner first assesses what areas in the energy field are imbalanced.  Then, using a technique called palm healing they transfer "universal energy" through their hands to the patient through the light laying of hands or hovering of hands above the body.  The recipient of the energy simply rests and receives the energy   Recipients of Reiki often report feeling sensations of cool or warmth, energy currents running through their bodies, feelings of total relaxation, the heaviness of feeling grounded, elevated feelings of happiness, reduced anxiety and stress, reduced pain levels, and an overall feeling of well-being.

From a clinical standpoint, Reiki energy healing encourages relaxation.  This relaxation response via the parasympathetic nervous system releases endorphins (the “feel good” hormones) in the brain that relax muscles and create a sense of mild euphoria.  Relaxed muscles release tension and tightness creating more space for effective circulation to occur.  Increased blood flow helps to elevate oxygen levels in the body, which enables more efficient nutrient absorption and release of metabolic waste from the tissues.  When the body is in relaxation mode, the parasympathetic nervous system promotes healthy digestion, regulates hormone levels, and enables better sleep which allows for tissue repair and regeneration.  This balanced body physiology allows the immune system to function optimally, improving health and well-being at all levels.

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Reiki is a form of energy healing that is a subset of alternative medicine. Energy healing is thought to have originated over 2500 years ago but became more well-known through Mikao Usui when he established Reiki therapy in the early 1900s in Japan, deriving the term from the Japanese words rei, meaning “universal,” and ki, which refers to the vital life force energy that flows through all living things. A Reiki therapy session facilitates and opens the flow of universal energy through meridian pathways (also spoken about in acupuncture) that are closely associated with the nerve pathways of the autonomic nervous system, which in turn is linked to every organ of the body.

More on the science behind Reiki at:

McManus DE. Reiki Is Better Than Placebo and Has Broad Potential as a Complementary Health Therapy. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2017;22(4):1051-1057. doi:10.1177/2156587217728644

Kirsten Caston, Usui Reiki Master Practitioner, Certified HealthRHYTHMS Empowerment Drumming Facilitator

Kirsten is a Usui Reiki Master practitioner and is certified in sound healing techniques including the use of singing bowls, tuning forks, and more through the Sound Healing Academy, and is a certified HealthRhythms Empowerment Drumming Facilitator. She incorporates sound balancing techniques within her Reiki sessions, and additionally uses stones and crystals during sessions to balance the chakras and channel the universal energy of Reiki. 


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